During the course of a school day, sometimes you just need a break. Does that break have to include a video of a cat riding a Roomba? We’re going with yes, which is why we put together this list of school-appropriate funny videos for kids that we think your students (and you, for that matter) will get a real kick out of. Enjoy!
Tiny Dog, Big Stick
Bosco is a dachshund living in London who doesn’t seem to know his size. Watch him navigate the park with a stick bigger than he is.
Emmanuel, Don’t Do It!
Emmanuel the emu has gone viral for interrupting his human Taylor Blake’s educational farm videos. We’re so glad he’s on the mend!
Cat on a Roomba
As promised. But this one is even better because the cat is wearing … wait for it … a shark suit.
The Savannah Bananas
The Savannah Bananas are an exhibition baseball team based in Savannah, Georgia. Check out their antics in these top 10 Banana Ball moments!
Pumpkin Dance
Halloween has come and gone, but it’s always a good time for the pumpkin dance.
LEGO Star Wars Can’t Touch This
The mash-up you didn’t know you needed.
Buzz and the Dandelion
Just a baby laughing. I dare you not to laugh along.
Dog Meets Ball Pit
Yorkshire terrier Wicket lives his best life in his very own doggy paradise.
The Duck Song
We’re just here for the increasing frustration on the lemonade seller’s face.
Dance-Cam Mom
And your student thought their parents were embarrassing.
Taylor Swift Goats
Got any Swifties in your class? They may or may not forgive you for this.
Minions Banana Song
We apologize for this earworm.
Chewbacca Mask Lady
An oldie but goodie.
I Like To Move It Move It
King Julian (voiced by Sacha Baron Cohen) leads his people in dance to this banger.
Talking Twin Babies
What are they saying?
Mahna Mahna
You know the one. It holds up pretty well.
Charlie Bit My Finger
A classic.
Talking Kitten
So tiny yet so vocal.
Ultimate Dog Tease
We’re suckers for dubbed animal dialogue.
Gummy Bear Song
Kids love this one. No accounting for taste.
Evian Babies
Is it a commercial? OK, you got me. But it’s also roller-skating babies. So there’s that.
Potter Puppet Pals
“What is that mysterious ticking noise?”
Noodles and Butter
I love this song from Caspar Babypants (aka the guy from The Presidents of the United States of America).
Elmo vs. Rocco
A rivalry for the ages.
Do You Know the Muffin Man?
“Not my gumdrop buttons!”
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Plus, check out these Amazing Virtual Field Trips.